Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year and a Very Busy Week

Well we're at Stanford today, Britt is having a PET/CT scan and MRI. They will show us the progress we made with the Chemo and Herceptin treatments as well as give the surgeon a road map for the operation, which is scheduled for January 27th. Wednesday is Britt's last Chemo Therapy treatment and we are very excited about that. It has not been as trying as some have experienced, but it certainly has not been easy for her. She was amazing in her will to provide a "normal" Christmas for the family (ok and maybe she was a little demanding). We had a great Christmas Paige got a Guinea Pig, and Erin got some cool art supplies including some finger paints (need to rethink that one). It was good to have a good old fashion family Christmas with Britt's family.
For New Years we celebrated very quietly this year. Britt's folks traveled to Pasadena to see the Tournament of Roses Parade, so it was just us and the girls. We got the girls down and had a quiet dinner for two. Our goal from the start of this road has been for us to be in Hawaii in June celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary and the end of Britt's treatments. So for New Years I ordered some Kampachi fish from Kona and made Hawaiian Poke (Raw fish with soy sauce and seasonings), and seared fillets of it with prosciutto on a bed of risotto. For dessert I mad a Pineapple Sorbet. A very nice way to start the new year. We talked about 2008, and gladly bade it goodbye. We are looking forward to a very healthy happy 2009.

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