Thursday, January 8, 2009

Great news from the PET/CT and MRI

I knew you would all like to know as soon as possible. Finally some good news. I got the results of the MRI and PET /CT from earlier this week. Of the three areas where there was cancer in the lymph nodes: the rib cage, under the left arm, and behind the chest wall-- those three locations are "no longer suggestive of cancer". It means there is still "activity" in these lymph nodes but NO CANCER!!!!

Basically I had a "Full response to therapy" or in the medical document "demonstrated significant response to therapy". Which makes my Oncologist happy because this is what he has been working toward as well. This means surgery will be much easier.

The MRI revealed on the breast there were three masses detected, same as the ones before but this time they are "significantly reduced". Meaning the Chemo shrunk them but the medicine could not wipe them out completely, they were small tumors but still to big for chemo to get on it's own. So it looks like the mastectomy will move forward, which was predicted. But the question remains if the surgeon will feel the need to remove the shrunken lymph nodes in question as well just to be on the safe side.

The good news is the Chemo worked. All the things I went through were worth it because it worked. And I will continue with the Herceptin and that will gain even better results.

I was holding my joy close to the vest because these DR.s are rather stoic people, never too high, never too low. So I had to ask my DR. over the phone today, so this is good news, right? He said "OH Yes". =)

So I thought you all should be the first to know. You have hung with me on all the bad news and so I think everyone deserves some good news from time to time.

I see the surgeon on Monday so I will get you an update then.



Unknown said...

Excellent news Britt, I am so pleased for you - your positive attitide and resiliance are coming through for you! Way to go!

kristy said...

JOY!! JOY!! JOY!!!Yeah- can you feel me smiling:)I knew you could do it girlfriend!!! You are one tough chicka. Love you! Kristy

marlo said...

Great news Britt and terrific strength on your part. Its what we were all hoping, and praying (yes, prayers work) for! We couldn't be happier. Hang in there sis, you are almost there. Love, the "other" Kellehers. xo

Dena said...

Hi : ) that is great news! the best I've heard all year : ) smile! thinking of you. you are doing it Britt : )
Yay! thinking of you! Love Dena