Tuesday, January 27, 2009

8:37 am

Britt has gone back for the MRI, I have to say the last 24 hours have been a lot more emotional than we realized. I think we thought we had thought this through so many times that we were prepared, but sometime last night the reality of the situation really set in. I will probably be a little stir crazy today, I am sitting in the surgery waiting room, and of course all I can do is wait. I might not even get to see Britt in between the MRI and Surgery so that means it might be 6:00 tonight or later before I get to see her again, that is very tough. The surgery center here at Stanford is a really top notch, very professional facility, you can even check the patients status on a electronic board, which has list of patient numbers and their status, right now it has patient 37489 (Britt), listed as pre-op. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers today.

1 comment:

Fran said...

Brian: We are all there with you and Britt. Much love from the Kort Family.