Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I went to Stanford on Monday to determine which technology will be used to conduct two more biopsy's of both breasts. They found two small spots on my left breast (which is where they found the first lump) and also found a small spot on my right breast which is indicative of Carcinoma in Situ (meaning it has not spread). So on Tues, Aug 5th I am set to have an Ultrasound Biopsy on my left side and an MRI guided Biopsy on my right. If the results on the left come back more cancer, I am most likly facing a mastectomy on the left. If results come back cancer on the right, then I face more surgery. If they hopefully come back no cancer then barring any other complications, I assume I would start Chemo soon. I don't get results until a couple days after the biopsy's.

I am also meeting with a plastic surgeon on Thurs, July 31st to gain information about breast reconstruction. Not fun stuff but I am trying to come to terms with my options.

I have mixed feelings about waiting for all the testing to be complete and waiting for the meetings with the Dr's, etc. I know that I am doing all the right things in taking this time, I am happy I have gotten all the second opinions because they have brought new things to light. I am also happy I still have my hair, I am not taking any medication right now and I feel great. I have had a pretty fabulous summer but I do not like feeling like I am in limbo. I work on this "project" like it is a part time job. Something that is necessary but annoying. The longer I wait to start Chemo the longer it takes to finish Chemo. And I want to get it over with so it does not occupy more of my time than it already has. I want it to be over so I am closer to being cured.

Will let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Know that you are constantly in our thoughts and prayers for continued strength and healing as you go through all of your appointments, procedures and treatments. Wish we could be there with you. Love, Kristy