Hello everyone- I have had a great couple of months. I feel great and my hair is growing back and things are getting back to normal. My new normal. My friends encouraged me to continue the blog even though I am technically finished with treatment. I joked that I have nothing interesting to write about but I have gotten such wonderful feedback about my blog, I guess that I must have something to say.
I still have Herceptin appts every three weeks and am taking Estrogen-blocker pills and vitamins every day. But so far, so good. I also have to go and get tests for my heart every couple months because Herceptin sometimes has a side effect of issues with your heart. Most of the tests are precautionary but my latest test came back a little irregular so I have to go for a more extensive follow-up test this week. I asked them if I should be concerned and they said "no" but they want to rule out anything bad going on with my heart. This has nothing to do with cancer or any sort of recurrence but I have learned to just followup with everything because you just don't know.
My nephews, Sean and Ryan Kelleher both rode in a fund raiser, Pan MASS Challenge for the Jimmy Fund - Dana Farber Cancer Institute. They rode 26 miles and raised several hundred dollars themselves and their group/town raised several thousand $. They rode in my name and I am so proud. I called to thank them and it sounds like they had a good day. Thanks Nicole, Dan, Sean and Ryan for committing to such a good cause and helping other people affected by cancer.
I held a "Luncheon of Gratitude" for my local girlfriends who helped me so much while I was sick. My friend, Janet, (also recovering from Breast Cancer) gave me the idea. I invited some of the medical staff, the Dr's, friends from Paige's Monkey Business group and about 8 girlfriends. We had a great time and it was so nice for me to show my gratitude and celebrate our friendship. Like I have said, sometimes good things can come from bad. Some of these women I might never have made a connection with if it weren't for getting cancer. And they were in a place in their lives where they could reach out to me when they didn't have to and I really appreciated it.
In early June, Brian and I celebrated our 10 Year wedding anniversary. We had a bottle of wine that we kept all those years and took it with us to dinner. We had some issues with the cork disintegrating right in the bottle. (It was about a 13 year old bottle of wine. Traveling with us all the places we moved, etc). We had a lovely evening and I was so happy we were able to celebrate our anniversary when things are going well for us.
In Mid Jun we traveled back to the East Coast and to my old home town in Clifton Park, NY for my 20 year High School Reunion. I came back with Brian and the kids. We spent a couple days with my parents in NH and then left the kids with them for the weekend while Brian and I headed to upstate NY for the reunion. I have a great group of friends from JR High and HS. We have kept in touch after all these years and they had been so helpful to me during my treatment. Although they were far away their calls and cards and letters and gifts really sustained me. I think it meant a lot to them that I was able to travel back to see them. They all appreciated seeing me since it was the first time since my diagnosis that I got to spend any quality time with them. They all live close by in NY and I am the one furthest away so it was fitting that we all met for our reunion. I had a great time, I got a new dress and got my short hair highlighted. I had to pick a strappy dress that did not expose my port that still sits under my chest near my collar bone. I also was ready for the comments about my haircut. Most people at the reunion had not seen me in 20 years so they had no idea I once had long hair but I just played it off as a haircut I wanted. I told a couple old friends that I was a recent "breast cancer survivor". Many of them were shocked but one old classmate admitted to me that she too had breast cancer and she had a double mastectomy and reconstruction surgery. I never would have known and although we were not friends in HS, we had an instant bond between us. During the weekend, I was able to sit with my dear friends and read a little speech for them about how grateful I was for their friendship and support. Also at the luncheon I read a different speech but similar sentiments. Luckily during the luncheon I was able to keep it together and not break down crying but with my long time friends, I didn't fair as well, crying so hard that I couldn't even read the words. My friend, Meg, had to read what I had written. Both speeches end similarly about the lessons I learned from this experience. I learned the lesson of compassion from friends and loved ones. I don't think I spent enough time putting my self in others' shoes when bad things happened to them but now I feel compassion for people and I can act on it and offer support where in the past I might not have. I told them that they made me a better person and I thanked them for it.
Paige's book continues to cause a stir. I brought it to the East coast and it brought tears to the eyes of anyone who read it. My friends at the luncheon loved it too. I am thinking of getting reproductions of it made so they can sell it at the hospital. They now read it as part of the Monkey Business curriculum and has been read to the new group of Monkey Business kids after Paige's group.
In a couple weeks we head to Hawaii!!! We are so excited. Although we enjoyed our time back East, I would not say that was a vacation. This trip is a true vacation where it is nothing but having fun and relaxing. Brian so deserves this. It has been a long road for him and he is truly burnt out at work right now. The kids are coming with us so my work is coming along...=) but I am happy because the girls are going to have so much fun. There are 4 water slides at the resort and 5 pools to choose from. More on our trip later.
I guess that is it for updates, glad you are still reading and I promise to make it as interesting as possible.
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